What is Mindfulness?
“Mindfulness is moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience, without judgement”
– Oxford Mindfulness Center
My path
My “soul searching journey” started with mindfulness practices. Following the advice of a wise teacher, I started short consecutive daily practices. With just 5-10 minutes every day for initially 10 days, then extended to 30min over 3 months, I entered into a different level of clarity. Starting from brain chatters rushing like a water fall, to gradual awareness like the ocean. I started to reflect and connect with myself. This is such a beautiful process that it’s like a door has opened with bright light on the other side. Once I’ve seen the wholehearted life, it is impossible for me to go back to my old patterns again.
Once tasted the beauty of being present- the gift of life itself, I become committed to live consciously and wholeheartedly. This has become a transformative process, which I keep on practicing every day. Aside from that I go on retreats every year; most notably the 10-Day Vipassana Retreat gave me deep insights connecting with myself.
In this age of explosive information, we’re often distracted. As our lives are filled with technology, the distractions we face increase exponentially. With it, our focus and attention is diminishing. However today’s organizations are dealing with complex challenges, which need sharp focus and creative solutions.
― Daniel Goleman, Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body
Mindfulness in the Workplace
Some organizations, such as Google, SAP, Nike, Apple have been implementing mindfulness programs. Tens of thousands of individuals have gone through such programs with data now showing that there is a definite impact on leadership skills by practicing mindfulness, such as:
Increase in productivity
Increase in decision-making
Increase in listening
Reduction in stress levels
For leaders, the biggest benefit of mindfulness is its direct impact on the development of emotional intelligence. Daniel Goleman, a leading expert on emotional intelligence, recently made a direct connection between mindfulness and emotional intelligence, saying that:
Emotional intelligence builds attention and focus.
Attention and focus are cornerstones in enhancing self-awareness, as well as empathy.
Self-awareness and empathy are critical skills to enhancing emotional awareness.
This vast and deep wisdom of mindfulness has changed my life. I’d like to dedicate my energy to bring this joy and wisdom to more people and communities.
I offer
Mindfulness introduction workshops
8 week MBSR courses adapted to the workplace
Mindfulness in the workplace tailored training programs
I was fortunate to meet Breeze and work closely with her in January 2018 during a 9 week Teacher Training Pathway course in London. From the very start I was struck by her clarity and focus in developing her skill as a mindfulness teacher. Her clear vision of how to introduce and integrate mindfulness into the workplace supported by a calm delivery of guided mindfulness practices; the body scan meditation, bringing the attention to the body and breath, walking and mindful movement exercises were all offered with confidence born of a long term personal practice.
Her feedback during practice inquiry sessions was thoughtful, authentic and honest. In my opinion Breeze is an exceptional mindfulness practitioner and teacher.