Fostering Wholeness

Support ecosystems of transformation so that we co-create an authentic, mindful and purposeful way of life.
We’re facing paradigm shifts today. With the exponential growth of technology, we human beings are becoming human”doings” in many ways. I have seen with my own eyes, how we are dragged to an “autopilot” mode. Often times the ego-protecting “mask” blocks our true self and the natural joy of being.

Imagine a world, where we show up wholeheartedly. We truly connect with our purpose and turn up to work with our wholeness. We make decisions consciously so that all the “Earthlings” who share the earth with us will flourish.

My purpose of this work is to create the space for people, for organizations, to truly connect with their wholeness. And by doing so, in whatever (big or small) way there is, making the world a better place!

Create Space for Compassion so that freedom will flow

Organizations are living systems with all aspects of individual and collective being integral parts of a whole.

In Springbreeze Ventures, I offer integral support to key elements of the system in order to foster Teal and agile self-organization

Teal Agile self-organization

I’d like to offer you a vision. Imagine your days at work being filled with laughter and passion, you and your co-workers imbued with a feeling of camaraderie, dwelling in a climate of excitement, purpose and hope, spending your time in an environment that fosters listening, open communication and fast collaboration. Imagine a workplace that harks back to playgrounds of childhood where invention and innovation were a natural part of everyday interaction.

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Mindfulness @ workplace

“Mindfulness is moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience, without judgement” – Oxford Mindfulness Center

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aimed at moving you from where you are now to where you want to be. Along the way coaching creates clarity of purpose and direction, challenges limiting beliefs and encourages you to become the best of what you can be!

I met Breeze earlier this year. Both being fascinated by Frederic Laloux’s concept of a “Teal organisation”, with its principles of emergent purpose, self-management and wholeness at work, I found in Breeze a woman who lives and breathes wholeness. If you are looking to shift your paradigm, to discover new ways of working, and of showing up for the world in a more mindful, open way, you couldn’t do better than to engage with Breeze and set off on a dance of discovery and awakening.”

Tobias Mayer

Educator and citizen October 2018

Working with Chunfeng was so inspiring. Chunfeng is able to bridge the rational side of business strategy with the creative side of human potential. For our grassroot initiative Chunfeng initiated various experiments of holacratic organizational design. She paved way for GROW2GLOW to grow and glow globally.


Environmental Protection, Health & Safety Expert & Business Coach

I had the privilege of being Chunfeng’s coachee. At that point, I was stuck in my life due to many changes in my environment that affected me. As our first meeting was taking place, an instant connection got established on a different level. She made me feel at ease as if we had a long term friendship and that helped me be myself during our sessions and open up about my life.

I realized that Chunfeng has a deep understanding of life that makes her connect with others and build a synergy which is the key in the help she offers. She was present with me during our sessions and allowed the flow to happen which then triggered the questions that made me reflect upon my journey and the obstacles I had.

Chunfeng has a great impact on my life as she guided me to understand my deepest desires and how to manifest them accordingly. She was my spiritual guide in listening to my heart and her quote will forever stay with me:

‘Root the lotus flower in your heart as you know it’s your inner wisdom’


Business Excellence Manager, Healthcare OEM

I was fortunate to meet Breeze and work closely with her in January 2018 during a 9 week Teacher Training Pathway course in London. From the very start I was struck by her clarity and focus as a mindfulness teacher. Her clear vision of how to introduce and integrate mindfulness into the workplace supported by a calm delivery of guided mindfulness practices; the body scan meditation, bringing the attention to the body and breath, walking and mindful movement exercises were all offered with confidence born of a long term personal practice.

Her feedback during practice inquiry sessions was thoughtful, authentic and honest. In my opinion Breeze is an exceptional mindfulness practitioner and teacher.


Head of Supportive Care , London-based Charity

The Stance of the Systemic Coach: The Orders of Helping

This article is a summary of Bert Hellinger's speech and article on systemic coaching, published first on The Whole Partnership  “Love = Seeing plus distance minus judgement”. Bert Hellinger   These ‘orders’ were first described by Bert Hellinger in the context of family constellations, but in an organisational context they can also be used to inform...

Systemic Approach to Organizational Change- TED talk

I’ve probably shared this Ted talk a few years back. Recently its insights triggered rich reflections in my team at highly #complex and hashtag#adaptive environments. So let me reshare it here to spark more wisdom 🤩 This talk reminded me of non-linear dynamics of change and the importance of shaping how people create #narratives. I'm also curious how we...

The nature of consciousness via a buddhist introspective method

This is my takeaway notes: 14th Swiss Biennial on Science, Technics + Aesthetics 2022 topic is Rethinking Consciousness and the Mind. Thupten Jinpa Langri The nature of consciousness via a buddhist introspective method How can science, whose method of inquiry is modeled on examining matter through an objective third-person approach of looking from the...

Applying Systemic Approaches in Large Organizations: Personal Reflections

Inspired by a post by Joan Lurie on systemic organizational paradigm shifts, I’d like to share a few reflections on my experience of applying a systemic approach in a large organization’s transformation efforts.      In today’s organizations, it’s been assumed that there are two ways to achieve goals and bring about change. 1) ‘fix’ the technical - the...

Some reflections about death and the dying process

Norbert, my father in-law, passed away during Christmas time in 2022. His dying process has brought rich reflections in me, and I was deeply touched by the peace, compassion and contentment of this process. Thanks to his faith and spirituality, in the last 2 hours of his life, Norbert had a friend in his prayer group who guided him through this process. It...

Whole Brain Living

This is my takeaway notes: 14th Swiss Biennial on Science, Technics + Aesthetics 2022 topic is Rethinking Consciousness and the Mind. The first talk was given by Dr JILL BOLTE TAYLOR, she was a Harvard neuroscience researcher when she had a stroke in her left brain hemisphere, I got to know her from her book <My Stroke of Insight>. In this...

Journey to cultivate awareness through meditation

Recently I’m invited by an informal learning group to share experiences on meditation and using mindfulness in the workplace. This invitation triggered some reflection of my own journey, which made me realize how fortunate I am to taste the flavors of mind training in different chapters of life. Here a journal of reflections, also as a reminder for myself...

Collaborative Overload – tackling it with systemic interventions

 In recent discussions with leaders in various countries, I realized once again how important it is to bring awareness to collaborative overload. Hence, sharing this HBR article on the topic. According to the research, in most cases, 20 to 35% of value-added collaborations come from only 3% to 5% of employees. This eye-opening statistic underscores how a...

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